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in bone and breath

Imagine consciously immersing yourself into primal yet familiar human shapes and geometries. You begin to move, pulsing rhythmically within the shape of a crouch, cultivating your innate sense of exploration, wonder, and play. You slow down and embrace the movement, calling into tonal presence every fiber of your being. You are remembering how to track your personal wild and conscious animal, reorienting yourself in core, in gravity, in bone and breath.


You glimpse a quantum cellular song, an emergent truth that is a deep remembrance of being one with Nature, one with Existence. You are a creative expression of Source.


The Embody Keys support a profound practice of conscious embodiment through a deep return to human, functional, movement and integrated awareness. The Keys are gateways through which we tap into potential energy, finding complex variation and creativity in expressions of energy, movement, and consciousness. We are reminded that, at our core, we already know how to move, breathe, reset, and revive. It is an experience that is, all at once, primal, elemental, wild, supple, and strong.


The practice is outlined in branches of deep, diverse content in a cohesive structure and language that constantly evolves, allowing for the natural flex and adaptation of a natural system.


Shape Keys

Are functional, fundamental, distilled human shapes. They are the gateways through which we explore the possibilities of movement and variation - all the colors and textures, nuance and dynamism of moving through time and space.


Navigation Keys

Describe translations of movement that support our exploration and awareness of our environment. They are functional phrases and articulations that are inherent within the Shapes.


Function Keys

Describe the innate wisdom of human function within complex creative movement. They are the point of interaction - of interfacing with the physio-energetic universe within and without.


Integration Keys

Describe progressive levels of realized embodied awareness. They are meditations that eventually catalyze metaphor into integrated, real-world awareness.

deep dives

The Embody Keys practice will soon be inviting wider modes of access, including upcoming trainings and deep dives. Check the schedule for events and class info. Weekly public classes are held at Lumeria Maui, and you may subscribe to the upcoming video channel for content designed to inspire and support your practice.


sean tebor

Sean is a guide in the arts and sciences of conscious embodiment in support of deep living. Drawing on a lifelong passion for movement, his integration of functional movement, breath awareness, locomotion, strength, mobility, and nutritional support help practitioners develop profound tools for deepest self-healing. Sean considers it a gift and responsibility to cultivate the human experience in a paradigm shift towards core-centric, conscious-animal articulation, and the fullest realization of the Breath of Life.


Sean offers group and private sessions (in person and online), personal and group retreats, workshops, trainings, and Hugs.




We are currently offering classes online and in person at YogaSource in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Check the YogaSource Schedule page for details. You'll find class descriptions below.

Embody Keys with Sean

Saturdays & Wednesdays from 10-11:15am



Embody Keys

The Embody Keys practice supports conscious embodiment through a deep return to human, functional, movement. The Keys are gateways through which we intuitively find complex variation and creativity in movement and awareness. We are reminded that, at our core, we already know how to move, breathe, reset, and revive. It is an experience that is, all at once, primal, elemental, wild, supple, and strong.




Nov 13-20, 2021 Lake Atitlán, Guatemala

Villa Sumaya | with Sean & Munay

Join us for a week-long immersion into primal movement, dance and ceremony.


Agni invokes primordial, elemental fire. Soma invokes the primordial waters from which all life is born. Lake Atitlán is a magical place – a naturally formed volcanic lake in the Mayan highlands of Guatemala. “Atitlan” means “the place where the rainbow gets its colors”. It is a powerful portal through which we can enjoy a deeply cleansing and revitalizing infusion of elemental essence.



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